Building Operations

If something about the building seems wrong, like temperature, stuck doors, broken fixtures - just about anything that has to do with the building itself - just let us know. We either fix the problem ourselves, or manage the assignment of problem resolution to the appropriate parties so you don’t have to understand the behind-the-scenes complexity.

What We Do:


If you need a VOIP phone setup in your space, need to update caller ID, or reset pin, send request to We generally only setup one device per office or space but if needed can add additional lines.

For more information on using the MIT VOIP phones see the MITvoip Telephone User Guide

Mail Services

TIG is a Distributed Mail Center (DMC) which serves as the central delivery and pickup point for CSAIL mail.

CSAIL also has two Mail Box Locations

Machine Shop

TIG provides and maintains robust machine shop services


Recycling at CSAIL