Commands and Usage
connecting to the cluster
ssh slurm-login
Use srun
to test a job from your shell.
srun -p <partition> -q <qos> -t <time> --gpus-per-node <num> python
Common options used with srun
, sbatch
, or salloc
are explained below.
Jobs submitted with srun
are tied to your login shell. For long-running jobs, or to ensure your job will not exit when your connection drops, use sbatch
Write a script with the commands that should be run on a compute node, and use sbatch
to submit the script. It will be run when the requested resources are allocated.
example usage:
sbatch my_batch_script.sbatch
Common options used with srun
, sbatch
, or salloc
are explained further below.
example sbatch script:
Save this as a file (typically with the .sbatch
extension) and run it with sbatch
#SBATCH --job-name=my_very_own_job
#SBATCH --partition=<partition>
#SBATCH --qos=<qos>
#SBATCH --time=05:00:00 # 5 hours
#SBATCH --output=/data/scratch/$USER/job_output_%j.log
#SBATCH --error=/data/scratch/$USER/job_error_%j.log
#SBATCH --gpus=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --mem=4000M
echo "Running my job on $HOSTNAME"
# put the job and data on the local node for better performance
sbcast /data/scratch/$USER/my_training_data /tmp/my_training_data
sbcast /data/scratch/$USER/ /tmp/
python /tmp/
Use sbcast
to send a file to the allocated node.
sbcast <local_filename> <remote_filename>
The default destination directory for sbcast
is /tmp.
If you are using fast shared storage, you may have better performance using ‘cp’ within your sbatch script, rather than relaying the file through the submit node with sbcast
Use salloc
to obtain an allocation, then run jobs interactively.
example salloc session:
salloc -p tig -q tig-main -t 10
# wait for the allocation to be granted
srun hostname
srun date
echo "sending a file"
srun python /tmp/
Common options used with srun
, sbatch
, or salloc
are explained below.
The shell obtained by salloc
does not change your PROMPT, so the difference between it and your normal shell is not visually obvious. When you are done, or when your allocation period ends, you will need to type exit
to return to your regular Linux shell.
Use sinfo
to see the status of available systems and partitions.
sinfo -p <partition>
use squeue
to list waiting or running jobs.
use scontrol
to see detailed information about a node or job
scontrol show node
scontrol show job
use scancel
to end your job early
scancel <job_id>
options used with sbatch, srun, or salloc
required options
--partition / -p <partition>
All lab members have access to partition tig
. You may have access to one or more additional partitions depending on your group.
--qos / -q <qos>
The QoS you specify must be allowed for the selected partition. The partition tig
allows tig-main
or tig-free-cycles
Your choice of partition determines your job’s preemption level, as well as the quantity of resources you are allowed to request at one time. QoS tig-main
will have lower resource limits, but can preempt jobs in tig-free-cycles
This allows you to freely use any resources that are available, while allowing smaller jobs to run more reliably.
If you use a free-cycles
partition, consider specifying a shorter --time
to improve your chances of the job completing.
--time / -t <time>
Formats accepted: D-HH:MM, D-HH:MM:SS, D-HH, HH:MM:SS, MM:SS, or MM
general options
--output / -o <filepath>
filepath where the job’s output (STDOUT) will be written.
--error / -e <filepath>
filepath where the job’s errors (STDERR) will be written.
–output and –error should be set to a shared location (e.g. /data), else the file will be present on the node where it was run.
Used when submitting a job on a preemptible QoS (e.g. tig-free-cycles
). If preempted, a job will be killed. If scheduled with ‘–requeue’ it will then will be requeued and eventually run again from the start. (sbatch only)
Obtain a pseudo-terminal. Use with srun to get a login shell on the remote host, as in srun <options> --pty /bin/bash
. (srun only)
options for requesting resources
--cpus-per-task / -c <count>
Number of CPUs to be allocated per task. Default is 1. Not compatible with --cpus-per-gpu
--cpus-per-gpu <count>
Number of CPUs to be allocated per GPU. Not compatible with --cpus-per-task
--mem <size><unit>
Amount of memory to be allocated per node. Default is 1000M, which is deliberately low. Users are encouraged to estimate and request the amount they need. To request all memory on a node, set –mem to 0.
--gpus-per-node <count>
Number of GPUs to be assigned on each allocated node. Default is 0.
--nodes / -N <count>
Run a job on a specified number of nodes. Default is 1.
--nodelist / -w <list of nodes>
A comma-separated list of specific nodes where the job will run.
--exclude / -x <list of nodes>
A comma-separated list of specific nodes where the job will not run.
options for multiple tasks
--ntasks / -n
Number of tasks that may be created within this allocation. Default is 1.
To fork a task, use srun <command> &
within an sbatch script or salloc shell. this use of srun will inherit (some) options from the surrounding sbatch or salloc. The forked task will receive an ID like <job_id>.<task_id>
--cpus-per-task / -c <count>
Number of cpus to be allocated per task. Default is 1.
--gpus-per-task / -G <count>
Number of GPUs to be allocated per task. Cannot be used with –gpus-per-node.
--array 1-5
, or may be steps like --array 2,3,5,7
. Each step of the array will be an individual task, and that task can read its own step ID via the environment variable SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID