
The Infrastructure Group

The Infrastructure Group (TIG) provides service-oriented computing, communications and operations assistance to support the world-class research underway at CSAIL. On the technical side, TIG handles everything from maintaining and monitoring a complex computing infrastructure 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to ensuring lab members can access cutting-edge computing services and in-person support. TIG maintains the lab’s four on-premises data centers as well as hosting in off-premises facilities. Additionally, TIG actively promotes CSAIL research to the broader MIT community, reputable news organizations and the general public via a full-range of media relations and communications services.

Major webservice changes TODAY July 15 2024:

2024-07-15 9:45am Updates are currently in place. If your websites work normally no further action is required. If your site is not working properly please contact

As first announced last September TIG is transitioning our legacy shared webservers to a new clustered infrastructure providing better security and availibility. Newly requested sites with custom domain names have been using this new cluster for nearly a year.

For detials, please see Action Required for major webservice change July 15 2024

During the transition today it is anticipated individual servers (people,groups,projects, will experience disruptions in service and potential TLS certificate issues for upto an hour as production services is shifted from legacy servers to the new cluster infrastructure. Watch this space for updates.

CSAILPrivate certificate changed

The server certificate for CSAILPrivate authentication expired on May 3 and was renewed. The new certificate is signed by a different certificate authority, so Apple devices (Mac, iPhone, iPad, etc.) will need to install an updated configuration profile.

TIG is replacing the CSAIL network in the Holyoke data center. This will result in occasional brief outages as network connections are rerouted. Longer planned outages will be scheduled separately and announced on appropriate mailing-lists such as holyoke-users and nfs-users.

Information for new CSAIL inhabitants of Schwarzman College of Computing at building 45 can be found on our Building 45 page.


TIG is generally available Mon - Fri, 9 AM - 6 PM US/Eastern Time following the recognized Institute Holidays and Special Holiday calendar.


If you would like to open a support case regarding Computing or Facilities related issues, sending an email to the address below will create a trouble tracking ticket in which we will promptly respond to.



We are located on the second floor of the Stata Center, in 32-270.

32 Vassar St

TIG is physically on site Mon - Fri, 9 AM - 5 PM US/Eastern Time. If the doors are closed, there is a doorbell at the handle to the doors. Just give us a ring and we’ll be happy to see you and assist if we are available.


Creating a ticket via e-mail to is always preferred, but you can also reach us by phone.

We are available Mon - Fri, 9 AM - 6 PM US/Eastern Time. If we are unavailable or it’s during off business hours, we recommend sending mail to You can also leave a voice mail.

TIG Hotline: 617-253-8304

To request an emergency repair or report an emergency that endangers MIT property, call:

MIT Factilites 617-253-4948