OpenAFS And MacOSX
You can obtain OpenAFS client installer from the AuriStorFS download web page:
As of MacOS 11, the AuriStor client will require you enable MacOS system extension. This involves additional steps which we link to below
Double click on the downloaded file. It will open the installer.
Click on the Auristor-Lite.pkg icon then click on Continue and provide the machine credentials to allow installation.
Click though until you have to provide the AFS cell configuration details.
Provide the following information in the input fields.
Name of local cell: Alias for local cell: csail
Here you will need to enable the MacOS system extension for AuriStor. Jump to step 8. of AuriStor’s instructions. You can return here after step 25.
Go to system preferences and click the icon to open the AuriStorFS System Preferences dialog
If prompted to create the “~/Library/LaunchAgents” directory, click “Create” to continue.
Click the lock at lower left to make changes. For most configurations we recommend the following settings:
"AuriStor Menu": checked "Backgrounder": checked "Use aklog": checked
Logging into AFS (aka Obtaining AFS tokens)
Without authenticating, you may be able to read AFS directory listings, but will not be able to read or write where you expect to. To access files, either:
- Use the AFS menu:
- Click the AuriStor icon on your menu bar
- If “Startup AFS” is visible, click it, then click the AuriStor icon again (Login with your CSAIL Kerberos username in lowercase and @CSAIL.MIT.EDU all in uppercase).
- Click “Get New Token”. If prompted, enter your CSAIL kerberos username and password. – or:
- From the command line (eg,
Credentials obtained using either approach will expire after 12 hours. (If you’ve turned it on, the AuriStor Menu icon will show a red X when this happens.) Repeat the above instructions (A or B) to regain access.
Accessing AFS from Finder
(It may take a long time to load if this is the first time you are accessing the folder and if you are on the wireless network)
- Click On Finder - Go - Go To Folder
- Specify your Destination Path: [/afs/…]
Creating An Alias
- Hold Option and Command buttons and drag the AFS folder to a local preferred location on your Mac.
Uninstalling AuriStor OpenAFS
- From, download the AuriStor client installer for your version of MacOS.
- Open the downloaded AuriStor .dmg file and run both uninstall scripts from the “Extras” folder