Peeps-managed Opt-out Lab Mailing Lists


In addition to the fully Peeps-managed Lab Mailing Lists, whose membership is completely generated from the Peeps CSAIL HR database , so you can’t unsubscribe yourself, there are also two lists, csail-local and alliances-announce, whose membership is initially populated from the Peeps database, but from (either or both of) which you can unsubscribe yourself in the normal way. (If you’ve unsubscribed yourself, you can also re-subscribe yourself, but only under the email address HR has on file for you.)

(Under some circumstances, you might get re-subscribed after unsubscribing. This will happen, for instance, if you leave CSAIL for a while and then come back, or if you have HR change your email address in Peeps, since that looks like one address leaving CSAIL and another address joining CSAIL. You can just unsubscribe again, though.)


The csail-local mailing list is for the discussion of topics of broad interest to CSAIL members. See the list’s section on the Popular Lab Mailing Lists page for more information about it.

The csail-local list’s membership is the same as that of csail-all, minus people who have unsubscribed themselves.

You are automatically subscribed to this list when you become a CSAIL member (specifically, when you’re added to the CSAIL HR database), and removed when you leave, but you can unsubscribe in the usual way using the “Unsubscribe or edit options” button at the bottom of the listinfo page at (which is also where you can read more about the list and its purpose).


Another list that’s set up that way is alliances-announce, for announcements by the CSAIL Alliances group – you get automatically added to that list (under the email address HR has for you) when you join CSAIL, but you can unsubscribe in the usual way (see csail-local above) at

The alliances-announce list’s membership (like csail-local) is the same as that of csail-all, minus people who have unsubscribed themselves.

Possible future lists

There may be other lists with this sort of behavior added in the future, though, possibly with more complex membership than just “everybody in CSAIL”. (You can imagine, for instance a mailing list that all new CSAIL grad students get added to but which they can unsubscribe from at any time.)

Changing your address

No email address that’s not in the Peeps HR database is allowed to be on the alliances-announce list, so you can’t just change your address in the normal way (well, you can, but the new address will be automatically unsubscribed, so you’ll be effectively taking yourself off the list).
Instead, if you want to change the address that’s on this and the fully Peeps-managed lists, you can contact HR at and have them change your email address in the Peeps database.

See also