Peeps-managed Lab Mailing Lists
Peeps is CSAIL’s HR database; all current CSAIL members should be listed in it.
There are several CSAIL mailing lists whose membership is entirely controlled by Peeps. You can’t unsubscribe yourself from these lists or change your email address. (Well, you can, but any changes will be un-done by an automated script.)
Membership in these lists is controlled by information stored about you in the Peeps HR database – stuff like where your office is (which is used to decide which floor list you should be on), what your appointment type is, and so on.
You are added to these lists under the email address you gave HR when you joined CSAIL. (That’s often not your CSAIL email address, and it may or may not be the same place your CSAIL email address points to.)
If you want a different address subscribed to the Peeps-managed lists, you can contact HR at and have them change your email address in the Peeps database. That will change your subscription on all the Peeps-managed mailing lists the next time they’re synchronized with Peeps. (It will not change your subscription to other mailing lists, not managed by Peeps.)
See also
- Peeps-managed Opt-out Lab Mailing Lists – initially populated from the Peeps database, like these lists, but unlike these lists you can unsubscribe yourself in the usual way.
- There are also a few lists you’re added to automatically under your CSAIL email address when you get a CSAIL account. But you’re added only that one time, and you can unsubscribe or change your address yourself at any time. (You can also resubscribe, subject to moderator approval and rules for the particular list.) Those are described on the Popular Lab Mailing Lists page.
One of the most important Peeps-managed lists is csail-all
; that list
should have everyone with an official CSAIL appointment. It’s used only
for important Lab announcements that everybody at CSAIL should read.
List settings
The list membership of these lists is synchronized with the Peeps HQ database, but other aspects of the list configuration (such as who can post, whether the list is archived and if so who can access the archives, and so on) are not.
In particular, some of these lists allow any list member to post without their posts being held for moderation, and some only allow a certain small number of people to post. (It matters for this purpose what address you’re subscribed to the list under; if a list allows posts from list members, you’ll generally need to post from the address you’re subscribed under or be added as an explicit exception. That’s a reason its helpful if HR has the address you normally use listed in Peeps.)
Besides csail-all
, mentioned above, there are a number of other
Peeps-managed mailing lists. Some examples are:
- Floor lists like
, etc., which list everybody whose office is on a given floor. csail-pi
, and the like, based on what kind of CSAIL member you are. (There’s anundergrads
list which I believe is mostly UROPs, since undergrads who just happen to get a CSAIL account for some work they’re doing don’t generally have official Lab apointments.)admin-assistants
which is a superset ofpi-aas
, and a couple similar lists
For a full listing as of this writing (with links to whatever list-specific information there is about the list), see “Exhaustive list” below.
If you’re not on a list you think you should be on (or you’re getting mail at the wrong address) there are a few possible reasons:
- HR might have the wrong appointment type, office location, or status for you in the database. You can contact HR at to ask to have that fixed. Make sure they know to re-export mailing lists after making the change.
- HR might have the wrong email address listed for you (e.g. an email address at your previous institution, from before you joined CSAIL). Again in this case you can contact to ask to have this changed. Make sure they know to re-export mailing lists after making the change.
- The list you’re interested in might actually be maintained manually
by a human being, rather than automatically generated out from the
Peeps database. In that case, you may be able to subscribe yourself
(perhaps with a list moderator’s approval) or you may need to contact
a list admin separately and ask to be added. In either case, the place
to start (to find the subscription form or figure out who manages the
list) is the list’s “listinfo” page at
. There’s a subscription form on that page, and if you scroll down to the bottom, you also see a line like “Foobar list run by foo at, bar at” which tells you who runs the list.
Exhaustive list
These are the CSAIL Mailman mailing lists currently (as of April 2, 2020) being managed by Peeps, i.e. synchronized with CSAIL HR’s database of Lab members. (See also the much shorter list of Peeps-managed Opt-out Lab Mailing Lists)
- admin-assistants
- ai-pis
- card-access
- csail-all
- csail-internal
- csail-pi
- d4
- d5
- g4
- g5
- g6
- g7
- g8
- g9
- grads
- hqtig
- lablunch
- meng-program
- phd-program
- pi-aas
- postdocs
- research-affiliates
- research-scientists
- second-floor
- srs-administrative
- srs-technical
- systems-pis
- theory-pis
- third-floor
- undergrads
- visitors
- w3c-pis